Monday, October 19, 2009

2 Worlds

I have spent the first of 3 days in a meeting. Most of the time I just sit there wondering "what am I doing here?" It's a religious meeting where people listen to speakers tell them how to resurrect their church, or something of the sort. I have a little booth, which is why I'm there, to advertise and share about Feed My Sheep.

I spend most of my days with guys and girls who are homeless and I really enjoy it. These are people who are currently struggling for a host of different reasons. One of my struggles right now is that I don't have enough money and cannot find a building for a shelter this winter. I need another $25,000 to make this thing happen. When we don't have a shelter, people FREEZE TO DEATH! So .... here I am sitting in these meetings with Christians who are there to get energized and learn how to follow God better. The irony of this all is... according to my calculations the money that was spent for a 3 day seminar will easily be more than we need to house and protect the homeless from an uncertain winter. The more I read the Bible the more I feel like this isn't right. I sent out a letter to 30 churches in my area asking to use one of their buildings in the evenings to house our folks. Not a single reply. One pastor went so far as to tell me that he would be happy to let to homeless sleep there but he has stuff for the youth in the evenings. Let me re-phrase this a little. The homeless cannot sleep here, understanding they might die, because we need this to have meetings. I feel like at times I'm beginning to feel the heart of God and this makes me very sad to know what he often feels. My heart simply breaks. How can we show the world the love of Christ and simply ignore the hurting, the needy, the homeless. Is this the God of unconditional love we are proclaiming to follow? I now understand God's heart of Isaiah 58. I now understand the downfall of Sodom - Ezek. 16:48-49. We throw a little bit of money at different ministries and let someone else deal with the people. Does Isaiah 58 not scream "IF SOMEONE IS HOMELESS, TAKE THEM INTO YOUR HOMES?"

I definitely don't want to bash anyone or anything, please respond if I'm doling out unfair words here. Come on church, let's bring the kingdom of heaven here among us. Let's begin to make the things that breaks God's heart, break ours. Let's get passionate about the things he's passionate about. Let' stop being about ourselves, our churches, our denominations, and live a message of love to the whole world! Why do we hold people like Dorothy Day, Mother Theresa, Karolyn Spencer, Lottie Moon up on a pedastal? That is not where they belong, they are there because we have lost our way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why Can't We Pray?

The last 2 weeks I've sat in meetings with pastors and listened to their plans and thoughts for church growth, bringing America back to God, taking over their city, etc... (you probably have heard this all before and know the drill). For years I have heard the talk and seen plans and programs put into effect. I've seen big christian concerts put on, banquets of a hundred different varieties, 70 days of purpose (or something like that), and so on and so forth. I've been around some of the most talented preachers, musicians, event planners and have yet to see any of these things make a real, reproducible, lasting difference in the transformation of lives. Is it because "we" are not doing it well enough? Or maybe we didn't bring the right bands in, or market it the right way. When we look around the world and see God moving in certain areas to the tune of 30,000 new believers in one area in a month! And behold, these are places with little resources to market to the masses!
Even after seeing this we still pursue, diligently and forcefully I might add! We overlook clues found in our precious Bible like I Corinthians 1 or Luke 18. I Corinthians 1 says that God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. Maybe it's not by our smarts or skills that the movements of God happen. Maybe the answer does not lie in our capable praise teams, excellent lighting, our fabulous marketing and packaging. Luke 18 tells the story of a woman who went before a judge and presented a request over and over and over until the judge got so tired of hearing her, he just granted her request. Even a little more directly, Paul shares that he planted, Apollos watered, but (lo and behold) it was GOD who made it grow.
Sooo..... my suggestion is that if we want to see God move let us devote ourselves to praying, serious intercession for our family, friend, community, and beyond. I'm not talking about Wednesday night prayer meetings where we say our requests for an hour, and someone prays for 5 min. "Lord, bless these requests you've heard tonight..." How about we devote ourselves to prayer around the clock. We come together as believers, and organize ourselves to pray around the clock. If it is really "God who makes it grow" then lets stop trying to make it grow and start asking him 24/7 to do it.
If anyone out there wants to pray, lemme know. I'll be going into the prayer room and praying. Let's pray together! In person, on the phone, through emails, comments on blogs ,etc. Let's pray! What is God saying to you? How do you sense him moving in your life? What is he calling you to leave behind? or maybe to pick up? Father, hear our prayers.

We lift up our hearts to you. Hallowed be your name. We ask that you bring your kingdom among us. Father provide for our needs, but put it on our hearts to share everything beyond what we need. If we don't, get our attention using your means! Forgive us our sins Lord, our tresspasses, our debts. The offenses we commit against you daily. Lord, as you do this we will, through you, forgive those who have done us wrong. We know that unless we forgive we will not be forgiven. God keep us running from the things that tempt us and deliver us from the attacks of Satan. Begin to move... We humbly cry.

II Chronicles 7:13,14